Monthly donations provide unlimited hope and stable programming. You save a life every single month when you subscribe to being a mental health advocate. :)

By giving monthly, you're providing safe and supportive housing, mental health resources, education and prevention services, recovery for those with addictions, job and health resources, and outreach support to those currently experiencing homelessness.

Monthly donations provide unlimited hope and stable programming. You save a life every single month when you subscribe to being a mental health advocate. :) image


raised towards $25,000 goal




By giving monthly, you're providing safe and supportive housing, mental health resources, education and prevention services, recovery for those with addictions, job and health resources, and outreach support to those currently experiencing homelessness.

With your support, Mental Health America of West Central Indiana can continue serving Region 7 in Indiana. With your support, hope lives here.

At MHAWCI, there are several programs and services available to those in need. You can choose which monthly donation you want to support depending on what service your most passionate about.

The agency (MHAWCI): Provides overall mental health advocacy and inegrated health support.

Housing Program: Provides supportive housing services for persons who were previously experiencing homelessness.

PATH Program: Provides services for people in between homelessness and supportive housing through community outreach services.

Junior Mental Health America: The Director of Education teaches prevention and social and emotional development in schools K-12 to provide hope to the future leaders of our community.

Medication Program: Provides gap funding to ensure people get their required medication to stay on track in their programs.

Lost and Found Coalition: Educates and prevents suicide in the Wabash Valley through community engagement and suicide prevention training courses.